Face Coverings & Remote Work Agreements

December 9, 2020

Good afternoon,

Please note the following updates, including an action item for staff working remotely.

Face Coverings

Governor Cooper’s most recent Executive Order, # 181 which will be in effect through at least January 8, 2021, includes a requirement for people to stay at home from 10pm to 5am, with exceptions that allow for travel to and from work; to obtain food, medical care, fuel or social services; or to take care of a family member.

The most recent executive orders also include a tightening of face covering restrictions.  In the workplace, State employees must wear face coverings indoors at all times unless the employee is alone in a fully enclosed workspace, such as an office with the door closed, and has no expectation of interacting with another person in that space.  Face coverings must be also worn outdoors if it is not possible to consistently be physically distant by more than six feet.

Remote Work Agreements

At this time, we anticipate that many staff will continue to work remotely when we return in January.  Only those employees who have been directed by their management to return to work onsite should do so.

Supervisors should discuss the business needs for the department with employees currently working remotely, and their options for continuing to work offsite.  Staff working remotely during the Spring semester need to complete a new Remote Work Agreement – 2021 Spring form. Please note that completion of this online form requires logging in using OnePort sign-in credentials.

  • All staff working remotely in the spring need to complete a Spring 2021 form, even if their Fall Remote Work Agreement covered the Spring semester, too. The updated form captures additional information needed for reports to the UNC System Office and the State.
  • The form should be completed by those working remotely on a part-time or full-time basis.  The form will ask for estimated hours per week that are being worked remotely.
  • Staff approved to work remotely in the Fall based on Health Considerations will also need to submit a new remote work agreement.  Although a new Health Consideration Form is not required, supervisors should review the work arrangements to evaluate whether essential business needs for the position are being met, or if other options should be considered.  If adjustments are needed, the supervisor should first contact HR to explore potential options.

o   Karla Piccirillo – kpicciri@unca.edu or 828-250-2358

o   Christy Williams – cwilliam@unca.edu or 828-232-5116


Please complete the remote work agreement for spring by January 15, or at any time throughout the semester if your situation changes.

The continued dedication and perseverance of UNC Asheville’s employees made it possible for students to remain on-campus in the fall, and your efforts are so appreciated.  As the spring semester unfolds, administrators and supervisors will continue to communicate with their teams, and will share decisions regarding when more employees can return to work onsite.