2023 403B Universal Availability Notice
The UNC System offers two options for 403(b) plans. The 403(b) plans are supplemental retirement programs that allow employees to set aside payroll-deducted contributions on a tax-deferred or after-tax (Roth) basis. The vendors for these plans are Fidelity and TIAA.
Who is Eligible to Participate?
Employees who pay FICA (Social Security and Medicare) payroll taxes are eligible to participate in the UNC 403(b) Plans.
How to Enroll
Any employee of the University whose pay is subject to FICA taxes (Medicare/Social Security) may contribute to 403b plans.
Enrolling in a plan involves a two-step process.
Step 1: Complete a 403(b) Salary Reduction Agreement – Print and sign the form, then bring it to the campus HR/Benefits office. This form authorizes the University to deduct the 403(b) contribution from payroll.
Step 2: Enroll in the program and select investments through Fidelity or TIAA-CREF by following the links below to the 403(b) provider’s online enrollment web site.
- Fidelity (click the UNC 403(b) Plan and then ENROLL NOW)
- TIAA (select your campus and then ENROLL NOW)
Contributions and Limits
For 2024, employees may contribute up to the following limits each calendar year via payroll deduction:
- Up to age 49 – $22,500 per year
- Age 50 or older – $30,000 per year
Contributions can be pre-tax, after-tax or any combination of the two. Any money contributed to the Prudential/NC 401(k) shares the same contribution limits as the 403(b) and therefore must be aggregated together to determine the annual contribution limit. The 457(b) plans offer separate contributions limits for those that want to contribute in addition to a 403(b) or 401(k).
TIAA has representatives that are on UNC Asheville’s campus several times a year. Employees can set up times to meet in person or talk with them via phone or email
- 800-842-2776 (Telephone Counseling Center)
- Locally: Terry Pait 704-988-4882
- Schedule an Appointment with a TIAA-CREF Consultant