COVID-19 Accommodations

Division and department leaders are managing the return of employees to onsite work based on departmental specific operational needs, with a goal of having most employees returning to work by August 2, 2021. However, we understand there are individual circumstances that may call for accommodations or flexibility. As we transition back to on-site work, we encourage supervisors, staff and colleagues to approach each other with understanding, care and compassion. 


Current CDC guidelines, as well as local and state public health guidance, indicates that our previous increased-risk consideration process is no longer necessary. However, we recognize that some health conditions may still impact some employees’ ability to return to on-campus work.

UNC Asheville will rely, in part, on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in determining which disabilities are impacted by COVID-19, in addition to information from employees’ healthcare providers. 

Employees may be eligible for accommodations through the interactive ADA Accommodation Process in the following situations: 

  • Employees who are unable to be vaccinated against COVID-19 due to disability; 
  • Employees who have a disability that continues to require accommodation despite receiving the COVID-19 vaccine; or 
  • Employees who are unvaccinated and have a disability impacted by COVID-19. 

If you are eligible for one of these reasons, you should complete the forms below and send to HR [fax to (828) 255-7118 or email to]. 

Note:  Beginning with requests for COVID-19 accommodations for July 15 or later, the a COVID-19 Documentation of Disability Form will be required to support your claim.  It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that their healthcare provider completes the forms in full and provides it to HR.  Requests accompanied by incomplete Documentation of Medical Condition forms will be returned to the employee for completion by the provider. 

Links to forms:

  1.     Reasonable Accommodation Request Form (employee completes)
  2.     Documentation of a Disability (medical provider completes)
  3.     COVID-19 Supplemental Medical Form (medical provider completes) 

Once HR receives your request, an HR staff member will review your request and, if necessary, contact you for additional information. After HR has complete information, HR will contact your supervisor or the Office of the Provost (for faculty) to make them aware of your request and to discuss reasonable accommodation options. Supervisors and the Provost’s Office will not be provided any health information, and will be reminded to keep your request confidential and that retaliation is prohibited. 

HR or the Provost’s Office will notify you and your supervisor, in writing, of any reasonable accommodation(s) to be provided. We will strive to provide this notice prior to the date you are expected to return to work on-site, provided your request was submitted in advance of that date. However, we will be unable to meet that goal, you will be notified and temporary accommodations will be discussed. 

All requests will be evaluated in accordance with the University’s Policy on ADA Accommodations.




What accommodations are available to me? 

Depending on the essential functions of your positions, accommodations related to COVID-19 may include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Additional or enhanced protective measures, such as barriers to provide separation between the employee and coworkers or the public or increasing the space between the employee and others 
  • Additional or enhanced protective gear
  • Elimination or substitution of marginal job duties  
  • Modification of work schedule or shift assignment to decrease contact with coworkers and/or the public 
  • Moving the location of where one performs work on campus 
  • Temporary reassignment 
  • Remote work (full or partial) 
  • Leave

How will HR / Academic Affairs decide if I will be allowed to continue teleworking after August 1? 

As with any accommodation request, the HR and management will evaluate whether working remotely is a reasonable accommodation in light of the essential functions of your position. In making that determination, the several factors will be evaluated including, but not limited to, the following: 

  • Whether all or some of the essential duties of your position can be accomplished via telework 
  • Whether marginal job duties can be restructured or reassigned temporarily 
  • Whether alternatives to teleworking would meet your health needs 
  • Whether the unit or department will be able to meet its business needs, considering the totality of the circumstances