Performance Management Program


UNC Asheville is committed to fostering a culture of continuous improvement and professional growth through its Performance Management Program. This program ensures that all employees and managers engage in a structured process that supports development, clarifies expectations, and enhances individual and institutional performance.

Effective performance management is a collaborative effort between employees and supervisors, focusing on goal setting, ongoing feedback, and formal evaluations to recognize achievements and identify areas for growth. By implementing a standardized framework, the program helps align individual contributions with department and university objectives, ensuring transparency, fairness, and professional development opportunities.

The Performance Management Program is available to all permanent SHRA and EPS Non-Faculty employees (formerly known as EHRA) and is designed to support professional development, accountability, and performance excellence. The program consists of the following key components:

  • Goal Setting: Establishing clear performance expectations.
  • Ongoing Feedback: Regular check-ins throughout the cycle.
  • Annual Performance Review: Formal evaluation of achievements and areas for growth.

To streamline the performance management process, UNC Asheville has transitioned to Cornerstone, an online platform that replaces all paper-based performance evaluations and planning forms, effective April 1, 2025. This system provides a structured, user-friendly approach to setting goals, tracking progress, and conducting evaluations while ensuring consistency across all departments.

The Cornerstone for Performance Management portal is available via the Cornerstone SSO Link (UNCA)

All training resources for the Performance Management Program for SHRA and EPS Employees can be found on the Training Resources Folder.

Performance Management Process

  1. Planning (Goal Setting): Employees and managers collaboratively define performance goals at the beginning of the cycle to ensure clarity and alignment with department and university objectives.
  2. Check-ins (Ongoing Feedback & Development): Regular check-ins at 3, 6, and 9 months provide opportunities for discussion, progress tracking, and professional growth.
  3. Review (Annual Performance Evaluation): A formal review conducted at the end of the cycle assesses achievements, identifies areas for improvement, and supports career development.

Note: The rating scales, individual goal requirements, and development plan expectations may differ among permanent SHRA and EPS Non-Faculty (formally known as EHRA) employees. 

Performance Management Rating Scale and Expectations

UNC Asheville’s SHRA Performance Management program aligns with UNC System standards to ensure consistency, fairness, and transparency across all institutions. The program places emphasis on both institutional goals and individual goals, standardizes the categories for evaluation, and promotes effective communication between employees and supervisors. 

The program follows a standardized 3-point rating scale to assess employee performance:

Rating LevelDescription
3 – Exceeding ExpectationsPerformance consistently surpasses required standards, demonstrating initiative and exceptional contributions.
2 – Meeting ExpectationsPerformance fully meets job expectations, achieving defined goals and responsibilities effectively.
1 – Not Meeting ExpectationsPerformance falls below expected standards, requiring improvement and additional support.


Please note that specific rating conditions apply to SHRA employees:

  • A justification is required for an Exceeding Expectations rating, detailing how the employee’s performance has gone above and beyond standard expectations.
  • Employees who have received disciplinary action or a Not Meeting Expectations rating in any category cannot receive an overall rating of Exceeding Expectations.


Performance Planning and Evaluation Eligibility

To ensure consistency and alignment with institutional and departmental goals, all employees must have performance goals established at the beginning of the fiscal year.

  • New EPS employees hired before January 1st must have their performance goals established within 60 days of hire.
  • New SHRA employees hired before October 1st must have their performance goals established within 60 days of hire.
  • Employees who have been in their position for at least six months of the evaluation cycle are required to receive an annual performance evaluation.

If an employee’s supervisor changes during the evaluation cycle, the new supervisor should consult with the previous supervisor to incorporate relevant feedback into the year-end evaluation. If direct consultation is not possible, the new supervisor should document this and seek input from a higher-level manager or another appropriate reviewer within the prior work unit. The current supervisor is ultimately responsible for ensuring the completion and delivery of the annual performance evaluation.

For specific eligibility requirements and exemptions, please refer to the bottom of each Performance Management section for SHRA and EPS employees below. These sections outline the criteria for participation in the annual performance evaluation process, along with details on any applicable exceptions and special cases.


SHRA Performance Management ↓

Tasks and Deadlines

The Performance Cycle for SHRA employees runs from April 1st – March 31st. During the first 60 days of the cycle, employees and managers will create the Performance Plan, which will later be reviewed and evaluated after the cycle has ended. Key tasks and deadlines are outlined below.

For the 2024-25 Fiscal Year Cycle

Performance Plan Migration
Task(s)Action OwnerStart DateDue DateEstimated Duration
Plan MigrationManagerApril 1st 2025April 11th 20255-10 days
Plan AcknowledgementEmployeeApril 1st 2025April 18th 20252-5 days


Performance Plan Evaluation – Must be completed within 45 days of cycle end date
Task(s)Action OwnerStart DateDue DateEstimated Duration
Performance Evaluation RatingManagerApril 1st 2025April 25th 20257-14 days
Evaluation Review & ApprovalHigher-Level ManagerApril 1st 2025May 2nd 20253-5 days
In-Person ReviewManagerApril 1st 2025May 9th 20257-10 days
Manager – Evaluation ApprovalManagerApril 1st 2025May 9th 20257-10 days
Evaluation AcknowledgementEmployeeApril 1st 2025May 16th 20251-3 days


For the 2025-26 Fiscal Year Cycle

Performance Plan Creation – Must be completed within 60 days of cycle start date
Task(s)Action OwnerStart DateDue DateEstimated Duration
Plan CreationManagerApril 1st 2025April 30th 202530 days
Plan Review & ApprovalHigher-Level ManagerApril 1st 2025May 15th 202515 days
In-Person ReviewManagerApril 1st 2025May 26th 202510 days
Manager – Plan ApprovalManagerApril 1st 2025May 26th 202510 days
Plan AcknowledgementEmployeeApril 1st 2025May 30th 20253 days
Performance Plan Evaluation – Must be completed within 45 days of cycle end date
Task(s)Action OwnerStart DateDue DateEstimated Duration
Performance Evaluation RatingManagerApril 1st 2026April 25th 20267-14 days
Evaluation Review & ApprovalHigher-Level ManagerApril 1st 2026May 2nd 20263-5 days
In-Person ReviewManagerApril 1st 2026May 9th 20267-10 days
Manager – Evaluation ApprovalManagerApril 1st 2026May 9th 20267-10 days
Evaluation AcknowledgementEmployeeApril 1st 2026May 16th 20261-3 days


SHRA Performance Management Training Documents and Policies

Training Documents


Exemptions from SHRA Performance Evaluations

While the UNC System’s SHRA Performance Appraisal Policy requires all permanent SHRA employees to undergo an annual performance evaluation, certain employee categories are exempt from this requirement due to their employment status, job classification, or specific institutional policies.

Employees Exempt from SHRA Performance Evaluations:

  • Temporary SHRA Employees:
      • Employees hired in temporary SHRA positions are not covered under the SHRA Performance Management Policy and do not require a formal performance evaluation.
  • Probationary and Time-Limited Employees (Under Certain Conditions):
      • SHRA employees in probationary or time-limited roles must receive ongoing performance feedback, but if they have worked less than six months within the performance cycle, they may not be eligible for an annual evaluation.
      • If their performance plan is not established by October 1st of their first performance cycle, their evaluation may be deferred to the following cycle.
  • Employees Separating from Employment Before the End of the Cycle:
      • If an employee separates from UNC employment before the March 31st performance cycle end date, a formal annual evaluation is not required.
      • However, a final off-cycle review may be conducted at the supervisor’s discretion.
  • Employees on Extended Leave:
      • SHRA employees who have been on extended paid or unpaid leave (e.g., FMLA, Military Leave, Disability Leave) for the majority of the evaluation cycle may not be evaluated due to insufficient work performance data.
      • Such cases are documented as “Unavailable to Evaluate” in the institution’s performance management records.
  • Employees with Insufficient Time in a Position:
    • Employees who have been in their current role for less than six months may receive an off-cycle review instead of a full annual evaluation, depending on institutional policy.

While these exemptions exist, all covered SHRA employees who meet the evaluation criteria must receive an annual performance appraisal. Institutions are responsible for ensuring compliance with evaluation requirements while accommodating cases where a full performance review is not feasible or applicable.


EPS (formerly known as EHRA) Performance Management ↓

Tasks and Deadlines

The Performance Cycle for EPS employees runs from July 1st – June 30th. During the first 60 days of the cycle, employees and managers will create the Performance Plan, which will later be reviewed and evaluated after the cycle has ended. Key tasks and deadlines are outlined below.


For the 2024-25 Fiscal Year Cycle

Performance Plan Migration
Task(s)Action OwnerStart DateDue DateEstimated Duration
Plan MigrationManagerJune 1st 2025June 13th 20255-10 days
Plan AcknowledgementEmployeeJune 1st 2025June 20th 20252-5 days


Performance Plan Evaluation – Must be completed within 45 days of cycle end date
Task(s)Action OwnerStart DateDue DateEstimated Duration
Performance Evaluation RatingManagerJuly 1st 2025July 18th 20257-14 days
Evaluation Review & ApprovalHigher-Level ManagerJuly 1st 2025July 25th 20253-5 days
In-Person ReviewManagerJuly 1st 2025August 1st 20257-10 days
Manager – Evaluation ApprovalManagerJuly 1st 2025August 1st 20257-10 days
Evaluation AcknowledgementEmployeeJuly 1st 2025August 15th 20251-3 days


For the 2025-26 Fiscal Year Cycle

Performance Plan Creation – Must be completed within 60 days of cycle end date
Task(s)Action OwnerStart DateDue DateEstimated Duration
Plan CreationManagerJuly 1st 2025July 31st 202530 days
Plan Review & ApprovalHigher-Level ManageJuly 1st 2025August 15th 202515 days
In-Person ReviewManagerJuly 1st 2025August 22nd 202510 days
Manager – Plan ApprovalManagerJuly 1st 2025August 22nd 202510 days
Plan AcknowledgementEmployeeJuly 1st 2025August 31st 20253 days
Performance Plan Evaluation – Must be completed within 45 days of cycle end date
Task(s)Action OwnerStart DateDue DateEstimated Duration
Performance Evaluation RatingManagerJuly 1st 2026July 24th 20267-14 days
Evaluation Review & ApprovalHigher-Level ManagerJuly 1st 2026July 31st 20263-5 days
In-Person ReviewManagerJuly 1st 2026August 7th 20267-10 days
Manager – Evaluation ApprovalManagerJuly 1st 2026August 7th 20267-10 days
Evaluation AcknowledgementEmployeeJuly 1st 2026August 14th 20261-3 days

EPS Training and Policies



The UNC System’s EPS Non-Faculty Annual Performance Appraisal Regulation requires all EPS Non-Faculty employees (formerly EHRA) in permanent positions to receive a development plan and an annual performance evaluation. The evaluation must include an in-person review meeting to discuss the overall performance rating, along with a structured assessment of the employee’s contributions, goal achievement, and professional development throughout the cycle.

Exemptions from EPS Performance Evaluations

While the UNC System’s Annual Performance Appraisal Regulation mandates performance evaluations for all permanent EPS Non-Faculty employees, certain positions and employee groups are exempt from this requirement. UNC Asheville may establish alternative performance appraisal procedures or, in some cases, exclude certain employees from the standard evaluation process.

Employees Exempt from EPS Performance Evaluations:

  • Senior Leadership Positions:
      • Employees in executive-level positions at the UNC Systems Office, including the President, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Chief of Staff.
      • Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAO) at UNC Asheville, including Chancellors, Provosts, Vice Chancellors, Deans, and similar high-ranking administrative roles.
  • Faculty:
      • Individuals holding an EPS Non-Faculty position concurrently with a tenured faculty appointment are exempt from this evaluation requirement, as their performance is typically reviewed under faculty-specific processes.
  • Athletics Personnel:
      • Athletic Directors, Head Coaches, and Associate/Assistant Coaches are excluded from the standard EPS evaluation process, as their performance may be assessed through separate contractual and performance-based criteria.
      • Temporary and Non-Benefits Eligible Employees:
        • Employees classified as temporary or otherwise ineligible for benefits do not fall under EPS performance evaluation requirements.

      Additionally, the UNC System President retains the authority to establish alternative performance appraisal processes for any subsection of EPS faculty or staff, allowing further flexibility for unique roles that may not align with the standard evaluation framework.

      These exemptions ensure that performance evaluations remain targeted and relevant while maintaining accountability for permanent, non-exempt EPS employees across the UNC System.